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Full Body Rotation Reload: Take rotation in your body to the next level

Take full body rotation to the next level with Lift Clinic's team of physio, chiro, RMT and strength coaches!

In our last post of this series, we demonstrated various reinforce exercises that are prescribed to maintain the mobility gains from the resets.

In this post, we’ll show some examples of full body rotation reload exercises which will be the bridge from rehab to performance gains. 

See what our clients have to say :

Cassie Hinada
I saw Diana for my lower back injury and am so glad I did! She was so educated and helped me quickly get back into moving better. She even helped me with my neck pain too.
Ryan B
I went to Sam to deal with a chronic low back injury a few weeks ago. He did a thorough assessment and treatment of the area, and provided some challenging exercises that suited my current level of fitness. His approach to rehab is modern and I really liked the fact that it was 1 on 1 the entire session, rather than only seeing the physio for a brief part of the session. I definitely will be coming back and highly recommend Sam as he is an extremely kind, welcoming, and knowledgeable individual. I feel much better! Thanks Sam!

What does it mean to reload?

Reload = exercises that develop strength, resilience, and coordination for the desired movement pattern.

Our strength and conditioning coaches will collaborate with our clinicians to choose the right exercises that will seamlessly progress from your early stages of rehab. 


These exercises will call upon the gains from the reset/reinforce and use them in various movement patterns to improve strength, power, and coordination for the desired movement pattern.

Rotational Pallof press

This exercise challenges the core muscles to provide lower back stability during rotation of the body. This allows the hips to drive most of the rotation.

Rotational cable punch

This is a progression to the previous exercise. It requires more coordination and involves more rotation through the hips and torso.

Rotational medicine ball throw

Medicine balls are a great tool to develop rotational power. This exercise develops the ability transfer force from lower body to upper body. 

Book now with our strength coaches to reload your rotation

Rotational medicine ball scoop pass

Another medicine ball exercise used to develop rotational power.

Single arm TRX openers

A great way to combine a pulling exercise with torso rotation. 

Rotational side planks

An anti-rotation core exercise which develops lower back stability and resilience to rotational movements. 

Meet Lift Clinic - a team of Vancouver Physiotherapy, Chiropractic and RMT Massage Therapy practitioners who believe in strength and movement for life.

Have pain or movement goals?

Lift Clinic is located in East Vancouver at 4030 Knight St. Our team of Vancouver physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, and strength coaches is ready to help you reach your goals as efficiently as possible! Click Book Now to get started, or Contact Us if you have any questions or would like to speak directly to a Vancouver physio, chiro or RMT about your situation before you book.

Clients love booking online: Easy, fast, no waiting, available 24/7.

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