Please meet one of our valued clients, Jennifer!
At Lift Clinic, we value sharing stories with our community as a means of educating the public and celebrating the successes of our clients. Today we’re sharing about Jennifer’s experience working with Lift Clinic!

Visit our IG post to learn more about Jennifer!
Please meet Jennifer!
Jennifer has been a client of Lift Clinic since 2017 (even before we moved to our current location!). She currently works with our physiotherapist, Sam, and our chiropractor, Dan, for overall strength and mobility training. She has also worked with our physiotherapists, Travis, Diana, and Henry, as well as our massage therapist, Mike.
Jennifer is a dedicated athlete and she continues to grow stronger with each session. With her passion for fitness and strong drive for wellness, in the next five years, she is working towards a variety of fitness goals such as doing a full pull up and push up, trying a dualathon, running a 2:30 half marathon, and even cycling a 100 km.
We asked Jennifer a few questions about her journey and experience with Lift Clinic in which she shared her responses with us below!

Why is movement and physical activity important to you?
Jennifer: Physical activity and movement keeps me sane, and they make me feel better physically and mentally. I like running (loathed it in high school), cycling, and weight training (love deadlifts and rear foot elevated split squats). Mobility and strength for me are two of the biggest things I am working on, but knowing where to strengthen and where to mobilize. Be it back, shoulder, thoracic, or feet, it needs strengthening and mobility to work.
When is comes to movement, what motivates you to move pain free and perform at 100%?
Jennifer: I will be 60 this year and I am in better shape now than 30 years ago, I move better, I feel better, and I like to try new adventures. There were so many things I could not do previously activity wise so I just thought why not go and start trying them. I am also somewhat competitive and need to beat whatever I did before so let’s go for it!
Book now to work with our Lift Clinic team to help reach your goals!
Why are you sharing about your experience?
Jennifer: I think it is very important to show that no matter what age you are, you can look at improving your performance, everything from making it easier to haul in groceries and heavy items, to running faster, moving pain free, and just knowing that what you want to do, your body will, you don’t have to be a high performance athlete or someone young, because age is an attitude. Also, just because a body part has previously always been sore doesn’t indicate it will always be sore, people and bodies can change!

See what our physiotherapist, Sam, has to say about working with Jennifer!
Sam: It’s been a honor working with Jennifer. She shows so much dedication and enthusiasm in her rehab to keep up with all of her activities! She is such an inspiration and role model that proves that it’s never too late to start and work on yourself.
Think you have a story to share?
If you have an experience or story to share about working with our team at Lift Clinic, we would love to highlight your journey! Please email or speak to your practitioner to get started!
We look forward to hearing from you soon!