Volleyball Provincials are a wrap!
The Lift Clinic team had the amazing opportunity to provide quality onsite medical and treatment services to athletes earlier this month at the 2022 Volleyball BC Provincials Championships! We were so excited to be apart of this event as we have been playing, coaching, treating and training the volleyball community since 2005. As a team we were so happy to be back in the dynamic atmosphere that we missed so much! Throughout the weekend, our team consisted of Diana Pham, Shauna Pearce, Travis Dodds, Henry Young, and Mike Fung who provided onsite care to the U17 and U18 volleyball athletes.

Throughout the weekend, our team provided onsite thorough head-to-toe movement assessments, physiotherapy, chiro, massage therapy, and kinesiology treatment to hard working volleyball athletes. Not to mention, we had athletes and spectators participate in our fun jump and vertical testing where everyone was encouraged to bring their competitive side out! We also provided jump testing, where volleyball players and spectators tested their vertical with our strength coach, Shauna Pearce where participants got helpful feedback on their jump. Whether athletes were injured, wanted to test their vertical jump with friends, or just interested in what type of services we provide? Our team had an amazing time connecting with the volleyball community by using our team based care that ensured that all athletes received top-quality treatment and assessment from our practitioners and mentees.
Check out our Instagram to see some highlights!
What on-site services did we offer?
If you had aches and pains while playing or were just looking to boost your performance, we were there to help!
Similar to our in-house treatments, our on site care was based around thorough assessments that aimed to find the root cause of your pain that maximized athletes performance. From there, individuals experienced the same tried and true treatment that we provide in our clinic.
Here’s a list of services that our team provided:
- Thorough head to toe movement assessments
- Vertical jump testing and movement analysis from our strength coaches
- Hands-on treatment from our RMTs, chiros, and physios including massage, corrective exercises, and IMS dry needling
- Athletic taping
- First aid for your bumps, bruises, scrapes, and the works
Our teams experience and highlights
Some words from Travis Dodds,
Our team was so happy to be apart of Volleyball Provincials and give back to not only the volleyball community but to striving young professionals. Travis Dodds, Lift Clinic owner, and Physiotherapist, has been involved with the volleyball community since he started coaching in 2005. Travis remarks that “it was wonderful getting back onsite and connecting with coaches and athletes which was especially meaningful after COVID prevented us from doing so over the past 2 seasons”. This made this Volleyball Provincials even more special to our team as it reminded us how pivotal these events are for us to give back to the community. Further Travis’ most memorable moment from the weekend was working with “amazing kinesiology and physio students, and the high quality of care we were able to deliver to well over 100 athletes during our 3 days onsite” he stated.
Our first contest!
Another significant experience, Travis reflects on was that it was also the first time we ran a contest through Instagram. He exclaimed, “how fun it was to organize and coordinate the give-away of an official Mikasa beach volleyball signed by our clients Nicole and Megan McNamara (Team Canada Beach Volleyball).” Our contest, was a true success as we connected and engaged with young athletes that gave them the opportunity to not only win but learn more about how they can advance their movement and performance gains! Additionally, the entire weekend Travis remarks was a true success as on “the second day of the tournament, Nicole and Megan qualified for World Championship” he cheered. This championship win for them was a huge achievement in their career, and made the entire weekend that more special that we saw them reach their goals while we helped young athletes reach theirs.
Lift Clinic students were in action
This weekend we were accompanied by students and new grads who are apart of our Lift Clinic Mentorship program! Our mentees, had the opportunity to learn by shadowing our practitioners and directly engage with athletes on obtaining key health information. This was a major highlight of the weekend as our team got to work with such curious and intelligent bright students that helped our team tremendously provide onsite treatment to so many athletes.

At Lift Clinic we believe in lifting students and new grads towards success by allowing them positive experiences for us to not only educate our mentees but also to learn from each other to hone our craft and get the best results for the athletes. We were so ecstatic by this opportunity to give back to the community and help the next generation of practitioners achieve their goals and make a positive impact on their profession!
Connecting with young athletes, students and new grads
Throughout the weekend, our physio and kinesiology students and new grads were shadowing practitioners, interactively engaging with athletes by history taking (initial client interview concerning their visit), musculoskeletal assessment, rehabilitation, and performance exercise that not only allowed them the opportunity to hone their skills, but also for athletes to reach their performance and rehabilitation goals or also tape up an injured hand!

Here at Lift Clinic, we look beyond the site of injury so we can find the root cause of your pain that allowed athletes this past month to locate their source of pain and bring results that helped them in their game on and off the court! In addition, all athletes throughout the weekend had access to full-head-to toe assessments and team based care that gave them access to the best available methods that solved either their pain or performance issues.
A big thanks to Volleyball BC
As a team, we wanted to say a massive thank you to Volleyball BC for inviting us and hosting such an amazing event this past month that we always look forward to attending. Also, we loved seeing athletes strive towards their definition of success and played some high level elite volleyball that was so fun to watch.