If you’ve noticed us using the term Modern Vancouver Chiropractor, then you may have started to wonder why.
Hi, I’m Travis, a clinician providing physiotherapy services here at Lift Clinic. This is a bit of a semantic article but what we’re getting at is, how do we communicate better and overcome barriers to quality care? And how do we move people’s expectations forward about awesome chiropractic care?
So why do we use the term modern Vancouver Chiropractor?
Really it is because we want to challenge the stereotypes people may associate with traditional Vancouver chiropractic care.
At Lift Clinic, we believe in redefining the way clients reach their physical rehabilitation and performance goals. As a result, Chiropractic care at Lift Clinic strives to be efficient, effective, and lasting. We are fiercely proud of the role chiropractic plays in our team and we refer to them often.
When you hear the word Chiropractor, what do you think of?
What are your expectations?
How do you feel?

Consider the definition of “modern”
Modern has been defined as – relating to the present or recent times as opposed to the remote past; a person who advocates or practices a departure from traditional styles or values.
A modern Vancouver chiropractor strives to practice current, evidence-based care. We believe in challenging the status quo to move beyond negative stereotypes. Modern therapists do what works best, rather than sticking within the historical constraints of a limited set of treatment options.
Background – why does the term modern even come up in the conversation around chiropractors in Vancouver?
For some people, seeing a Vancouver Chiropractor may be a big of an adjustment
Since the inception of Lift Clinic in 2017, we have noticed something when we refer clients to see a chiropractor. When one of our physiotherapists or massage therapists suggests you see a Chiropractor, people sometimes hesitate. Some may say “oh, I’ve never worked with a chiropractor before” and then sometimes, “let me think about this.”
At Lift Clinic we work as a team. This means we know what each others’ strengths are and when they’re likely to benefit our clients.
We get it. It can be a bit of an adjustment (no pun intended) when your therapist recommends something new to you.
Hesitation to Work With a Chiropractor? Why Is That?
But let’s talk about the hesitation to work with a chiropractor. Why is this happening? A clinician you trust just recommended you see another professional. You hesitate. Why?
This hesitation suggests there are negative perceptions or expectations with the title “chiropractor.” Before coming to Lift Cinic, have people had bad experiences? Developed a stigma? Did someone they trust recommend against working with a chiropractor – based on what? In fact, something we hear often is “my doctor said I should do physio, but not chiro.”
Historically, there have been some prominent chiropractors and certain chiropractic schools that promoted non-evidence-based practices. You could even say, outlandish claims. For instance, claiming that a spinal manipulation could heal hearing-loss. The modern, evidence-based chiropractor does not support these practices. Instead, the modern chiropractor keeps focused on assessing and treating the musculoskeletal system. If you’re interested to explore the conversation around “outlandish claims” and the type of things that got chiropractic a bad rap, it’s actually a bit fascinating. For example, watch YouTube’s, Joe Rogan Show on “The Problem with Chiropractors.” Note, this show may offend some viewers.
So yes, there really are some negative stereotypes out there around chiropractic care. For a modern Vancouver chiropractor, this can be heart-breaking. Therefore, it’s important to differentiate from the type of chiropractors who historically have been seen by modern medicine as “quacks.”
Is this discrimination? Negative stereotyping? Or simply a lack of knowledge?
Arguably, yes. But it’s probably more complex than that. It seems Vancouver-based clients:
- don’t have as much experience working with chiropractors so they prefer to stick with someone they know, like their physio or massage therapist;
- may a lack understanding about what modern Vancouver chiropractors really do; rather than seeing the chiropractor as a clinician with a diverse skillset they assume treatment will exclusively consist of chiropractic manipulations/adjustments
- may have had prior experiences with a chiropractor working with a different practice style; thus not yet realize that chiropractors vary quite widely in their individual practice style.
The new generation of chiropractors are increasingly evidence-based, caring professionals. They strive to get meaningful results with their clients, efficiently and with good ethics.
Let’s agree to seek out good quality professionals, in any healthcare discipline, and give them the recognition that they deserve.
Here’s an example of how chiropractic at Lift Clinic has helped to re-shape one client’s view of the profession:
Having a shoulder issue that’s been hampering my workouts and day-to-day life for some time, I thought I’d look for Travis who had treated me years ago for various injuries which he successfully cured.
I’ve been to several physiotherapists over the yrs, and Travis is head and shoulders above them all. Travis informs you of not only what ails you, but also other aspects of your body that may affect that issue. Super detailed.
Along with Travis’s treatments, he recommended that I see Dan ( chiropractor ) in the same clinic. Now having seen about a dozen different chiropractors in almost 30 yrs, I thought I knew exactly what a chiropractor would do.
I was wrong! Dan’s treatment is also very detailed, searching for the cause of my issue, and treating said issue. It’s unlike all the past chiropractors I’ve seen who use pretty much the same techniques. Not here.
With their combined treatments, I’ve noticed a distinct improvement, right from the first session. I wholeheartedly recommend anyone who is looking for either/both a physiotherapist/chiropractor to come to Lift.
Ron Wong, Google Review
At Lift Clinic we’d like to be part of a forward-looking, positive conversation. Let’s talk about what chiropractors really are, what they can do and why they’re awesome.
That’s why we use the term “Modern Vancouver Chiropractor” on our website. Let’s look at a few more specific examples.
Key characteristics of a modern Vancouver Chiropractor are:
- Longer appointment durations
- Thorough assessments
- Caring explanations
- Evidence-based practice (staying current with academic research)
- Treatment plans focused on lasting solutions
- Treatment methods that include but extend well beyond chiropractic adjustments
- Incorporates rehabilitation and performance exercise into treatment plans
Modern Vancouver chiropractic care: the best of manual therapy with modern movement and exercise techniques:
This might help to explain the breadth of assessment and treatment that you can expect from a modern Vancouver chiropractor:
Do these characteristics challenge the expectation you have about chiropractic care?
Perhaps you have never been to a chiropractor like this. Let us know in the comments, what do you think of when you hear the word Chiropractor? Similarly, if you’ve been to chiropractic at Lift Clinic, what do you think is different about it?
In conclusion, we absolutely advocate that clients should be discriminatory in who they choose to see for their care. Additionally, be wary of claims that seem too good to be true, or treatment plans that seem more like a business model. But understand that progressive chiropractors, modern chiropractic education and a team-based approach to care is different, in a good way.
Last but not least, for more about Chiropractic Care at Lift Clinic, visit our chiro page.